Community College – Texas City, TX

A college located in Texas City experienced flooding in its administration office. The storm drains from the roof run through a gutter system located in the interior of the building then under the slab before it empties into a retention pond located on the college property.

During a heavy rain storm the drainage system developed a blockage at the edge of the building causing a rupture in the pipe under the slab. The water pressure under the slab caused it to heave and crack which allowed the rainwater to flood the building from the broken line located under the offices of student affairs.

TGC responded immediately and began the water extraction process and drying of the building. Temporary walls were erected to isolate the affected area which allowed the office staff to relocate within the facility and prevent additional damage to the building, equipment, and assets.

The office area contained important documents which needed to be removed from the damaged area, however they needed to be organized and protected so that they could continue to be obtained when required by the college staff. TGC erected drying chambers within the damaged office area to dry damaged documents.

Once the area was stabilized, the damaged slab was removed so the underground system could be repaired. In-line cameras were used to locate the blockage in the underground pipe system which was then repaired. When the drain system was repaired the slab was reconstructed. The office staff was able to maintain its operational duties throughout the construction process. 

Danny Knesek